School meals and snacks
Northwick Park made an application for Healthy School’s status and were successful! In order to achieve this award we had to meet a wide range of criteria, including:
- Recognising the importance of health and wellbeing of both staff and children
- Working in partnership with health and improvement services
- Employing strategies for preventing and tackling all types of bullying
- Providing opportunities to develop e-safety knowledge
- Recognising the importance and value of PSHE
- Providing opportunities for pupils to explore feelings, build self- esteem and resilience.
- Ensuring that the majority of pupils take up the opportunity of at least one additional hour of school sport each week
- Providing opportunities to learn about food, balanced diet and practical skills
- Providing opportunities for pupils to contribute, take on responsibility and participate in decision-making across the school
- Ensuring teachers and external agencies work together
What next?
The next stage for us as a school is to apply for ‘Enhanced Healthy Schools Status’. Over the next year we have set targets, and we will be monitoring their impact:
School Menus
Menus that have been nutrionally balanced are available to all children and staff.
Menus are available to view or download using the link above.