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English Summer 2


1. Write a letter accepting you as a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  The letter should be written as though you are Professor McGonagall and should be a very formal letter.  The following success criteria may be useful:


  • Name & address of Hogwarts top left
  • Students name and address underneath on the right (Your name and address)
  • Open letter with full name of student (remember capital letters for your names!)
  • Para 1 - Explain why you are writing – e.g. We are pleased to inform you……..
  • Para 2 - Give a detailed list of anything you may need and where you may get it from e.g. wand, cloak
  • Para 3 – Reminder about the excellent behaviour expected – remember to write this with formal language!
  • Para 4 – What you should expect in your first year e.g. make new friends, lessons such as…., sports, feasts etc.
  • Close the letter by saying what you need to do now – accept their place. 
  • Lead out – we look forward to…..
  • Formal sign off – Yours sincerely

We would love to see…..

  • Great vocab choices – powerful verbs and adjectives – keep them formal!
  • Use of a variety of conjunctions
  • A range of punctuation – can you use a semi-colon or colon?
  • The subjunctive! E.g. If I were you…..
  • Fronted adverbials

2. In the Harry Potter films many of the characters receive a ‘Howler’ from a guardian about poor behaviour. We really enjoyed watching Ron receive one from his mum in the second film for stealing his father’s car! Can you write your very own ‘Howler’ to Ron, Hermione or Harry for putting themselves in danger by trying to defeat the troll?

Think about…..

  • Explaining exactly what they have done wrong
  • How their behaviour has affected others
  • The consequences of their actions
  • What final warning you will give?

You could use some of the instructions found online for making a ‘Howler’ using origami to put your writing into or maybe you could record your ‘Howler’ once you have written it?!  We’d love to hear them!

Click here to find the clues

3. Harry Potter Clue Hunt Grammar Activity click the detective picture and find the clues.

4. Complete a character study comparing Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. They remain rivals throughout the Harry Potter Series. What are their differences and similarities? What are their appearances like? How do they behave? Why do they behave this way? What are their character traits? Can you include interesting facts about them? Would you want to meet them? Why? What would you ask them?

You could present this using a grid/table or you could make up a page for each character and then compare them using the questions above to help you.

5. Continue working through Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Revision Book.

6. Assignments set up on Spelling Shed.