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What is DT?

DT is a skill based lesson which incorporates physical and visual aspects which a lot of our children need in order to progress. Children take ownership over planning and developing their ideas and making amendments and adaptations where needed to a given project. This takes place through evaluating their own and others products.

DT is also taught through forest school, through use of tools and cooking

Why do we do it and why is it relevant?

As a school we feel that it is needed for:

  • problem solving
  • teamwork
  • resilience
  • being able to adapt
  • being able to evaluate
  • developing skills for everyday life
  • physical development
  • developing confidence
  • to develop growth mindset and well-being
  • keeping up to date with evolving technology

Ultimately it is used in everything, so is needed for beyond school life.

What are your children’s needs? How is it personalised?

As a school our children need hands on experience in order to learn and understand a concept – therefore DT is suitable to develop a range of skills and it is cross – curricular.

DT allows for children to think out of the box and have the opportunity to explore other revenues of developing ideas. In our school children can be supported by specialist adults (Level 2 Forest School trained adults).

A lot of our children have shown an interest in doing physical activities and manual jobs. We would like to further this by giving more opportunities to those who want it through engagement within Forest school sessions.

Why do you need to teach it to these specific children?

We feel that we need to teach DT to do the following:

  • broaden skills
  • give opportunities to develop skills
  • use these skills in everyday life
  • allow children to become more creative
  • enable children to be constructive through constructive criticism
  • give opportunity to be resilient and know what to do if they fail
  • make greater links – cross curricular

What is the beginning stage and challenge?

See progression ladders from EYFS to Year 6

Do you follow a scheme?

We do not follow a specific scheme – DT is made as cross – curricular as possible and it fits in around the topic that half term.

Please see Curriculum Maps

To ensure high quality teaching of Design and Technology specialist teachers deliver tool use within the setting during Forest School. These teachers allow an open door policy to fellow staff members with refresher sessions available. All staff members work collaboratively to deliver a broad and engaging curriculum.

What impact does it have on the child?

As a school we have noticed a wider impact on the following:

  • levels of confidence
  • willingness to take part in trial and error
  • ability to adapt
  • willingness to try their best
  • confidence in using tools for a purpose
  • improvement in social aspects - team work, taking on board criticism and others ideas
  • willingness to try new things
  • improved growth mind set
  • greater aspirations for future life
  • being up to date with developing technologies
  • National curriculum covered – tied in with the topics