Northwick Park Primary Academy Trust's vision to develop well-rounded, confident, creative, responsible.resilient pupils who aspire to succeed.
Northwick Park Primary Academy Trust's vision is to develop well-rounded, confident, creative, responsible, resilient pupils who aspire to succeed. We respect the individual needs of our pupils and provide a caring and creative environment that empowers excellent social, emotional, physical and intellectual development. The mental and physical wellbeing of all members of the school community sits at the heart of everything we do.
If you have a child starting school in September 2025, come and visit us on the following dates. No need to book:
Tuesday -5 Nov 09.30 and 1 .30pm
Wednesday 13 Nov 09.30 and 1.30pm
Mrs K John = Head of School
Welcome to the February Challenge Sheet!
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Attendance and Punctuality Week Monday 27th to Friday 31st January will be an Attendance and Punctuality Week for all schools in the Trust.
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Children’s Mental Health Week As a school, we will be taking part in Children’s Mental Health Week to empower, equip and give a voice to all children and young people.
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