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Maths Summer 2

Year 3 Maths

Time Analogue and Digital

Analogue - A clock or watch that has moving hands and usually has hours marked from 1 to 12 to show you the time. Some have Roman Numerals (I, II, III, etc) instead, or no numbers at all.

Digital - A clock or watch that shows the time using numbers, not hands.

Time Hunt - You could you go on a time hunt around your house. When you find something that tells the time you record whether it is analogue or digital. This could be recorded in a table format or just simply notes on a page. Do you have more analogue clocks than digital?

Practise Telling Times – Can you practise telling the time to the nearest o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. 

Key Time Facts

Create a colourful poster or interesting way of recording key time facts. For example

  • Number of seconds in a minute
  • The number of days in each month
  • The number of days in a year
  • The number of days in a leap year.


You could time how long it takes you to complete a certain activity. Complete the minute challenge! How many star jumps/ hops you can do in a minute? How many cups can you stack? How many times can you catch a ball? Try this for different periods of time e.g.  5 minutes/ 10 minutes/ half an hour and change the activity to something appropriate for the time given. 


Number and Place Value

Find 10/100 more/less than a given number.

You could create a function machine (either by drawing or creating a 3D version using an old cardboard box). You could cover this with tin foil and decorate how you wish. Generate your starter number (you could do this by creating number cards or get someone to give you a number). Then decide the function of your machine e.g. add 10/ 100 or subtract 10/ 100. Put your number in and generate which number will come out once that function has happened.

Function machine drawing example

Starter Number                                           Generated Number





Times Tables

We have been working really hard on our times tables this year. Could you use your knowledge to help you to create a board game involving them? You could use something similar to this.


You could put a question on each square and whichever one you land on, you answer. You can adapt it in many ways with challenge or bonus point cards. Get creative!  It is worth noting that this can be adapted for all of the other operations (addition, subtraction and division).