Topic Summer 4
Activity One
Design your own Theme Park
Plan your own Theme Park to be opened when the pandemic ends.
Will your park have a theme or be based on your favourite game?
What type of rides and attractions will you include in your theme park?
- Research theme parks that are already open – have you been to any of them? Think about which parks you would like to visit and why.
- Have you ever been on a ride or rollercoaster? Did you enjoy them – why/why not? Was there anything that you would improve? If you haven’t been on any rides which rides do you think you would enjoy; why do you think you would enjoy them?
- Think of the age group your theme park will be aimed at. Are you designing for young children, teenagers or families?
- Think about the age group you have selected.
What will people of this age will be looking for in a theme park? You will need to have a range of different rides and think about your target groups needs e.g. small children might not like large or scary rides.
- Decide on an appropriate name for your theme park and rides.
- Draw a map of your theme park and plans for your rides.
- What will you have at your theme park – where will people eat – if you are planning a café can you create a menu (see maths)?
- What will your rides look like?
- What do your rides do – what is special about them that will make people want to visit your theme park (see English)?
Activity Two
Can you make a ride for your park out of recycled materials? Will it have any moving parts – how will you make these? Remember to take a photo and share your work with us!
Activity Three
Many theme parks sell ice-cream. Have you ever made your own ice-cream?
Normally eating and science projects don’t mix but this tasty experiment uses the power of salt to make your own ice-cream!