Maths Summer 2
1. Capacity – can you use a measuring jug to create your own Harry Potter potions? Maybe you can make a list of the ingredients and send us photos of the finished potion! Remember to use different liquids – you could add food colouring too. Challenge! Can you convert the measures into fractions after? E.g. 1/8 seaweed juice, ¼ frog dribble etc.
2. Draw yourself a circle and make it look like a clock face (similar to below). What happens if you join every second point on this circle? How about every third point? Try with different steps and see if you can predict what will happen.
3. Click the link and discover more Hogwarts Timetable Maths Questions.
4. See attached Harry Potter Fractions
5. Continue practising times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars and using Maths Shed.