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News Summer 1

Dear Families,

We hope this update finds you all safe and that you’ve enjoyed the Easter break! We have been looking forward to receiving your updates and looking at all the brilliant things you have been doing at home- so many of you have been working really hard and being so creative!

We have seen that lots of you are making sure that you are exercising daily in a range of ways – keep it up! It helps you to feel full of energy, releases endorphins to the brain for you to feel happy and is keeping you fit.


Our topic this half term continues to be focused on Harry Potter – something we have been looking forward to all year! Please read through the activities we have made for you to work through and remember that you can also complete ideas of your own, we really enjoy seeing what you have created and produced!


The work does not have to be printed to be completed, we understand that not all of you can print the work, but you can if you are able to. Some of the work can be completed on Purple Mash also.


Remember to keep emailing us your amazing work at


Take Care!

Year 6 Teachers