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  • 2021/22 Timetable Consultation

    Published 14/05/21

    As a school, we are now working on our organisation for September.  We are hoping that things will be returning to normal (if any of us can remember what that was).  'Covid' has changed many things in how schools are organised e.g., staggered days, lessons, eating and playing in bubbles.  Several positives have come out of these changes that we will be continuing with in September e.g., wearing PE kit to school on PE days.


    One of the major changes we made was school finishing after lunch on Fridays.  This was to enable teachers to have their statutory planning, preparation and assessment time.  This has worked very well and we are considering keeping this in place for September.


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  • Reception Information Videos

    Published 28/09/20

    We hope that you will enjoy the virtual meeting that we prepared for you. 

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  • New Term News 2020-2021

    Published 30/06/20

    Meet your new teachers.

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  • Coronavirus Update

    Published 23/03/20

    Corona Virus – an update on how schools are operating

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  • Coronavirus Update

    Published 12/03/20

    “We are continuing to follow advice from Public Health England in respect of Coronavirus.


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  • Mobile Assault Course

    Published 17/06/19

    Browne's Bootcamp visits Northwick to put the kids through their paces!

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  • Safer Internet Day

    Published 01/02/19

    Safer Internet Day Tuesday 05 February2019

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  • Southend Visit

    Published 09/07/18

    Year 3 enjoying a fun packed day at Southend.

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  • Harry Potter Trip

    Published 20/04/18

    Year 6 Visit to Harry Potter World

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  • Florence Visits Northwick

    Published 09/03/18

    Florence Nightingale Makes  a visit.

    Children enjoyed learning all about the life of Florence Nightingale.

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  • World kindness day

    Published 14/11/17

    World Kindness Day is celebrated at Northwick Park Primary and Nursery Academy.

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