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Nursery have had a busy month learning about lots of new things. They were all very excited to watch their beans grow and then they took them home for them to keep growing. We used these to learn about height and also vocabulary for more and less.

We have learnt about forces and all got to try pushing and pulling. With some help from parents, we learnt about occupations and what our parents do for jobs. We then decided what we would like to do when we grow up and it appears we have some budding ballerinas and astronauts!!

We are very excited to show you our picnic dance and have been working hard on it. We are trying to find our loud singing voices and cannot wait to show it to you. I am sure most of you have heard the children singing it at home over the last few weeks!


Reception have had a really fantastic month and we are so proud of how much progress the children are making. We received around 20 little caterpillars in each class and the children helped to put them in pots with food. We then watched them as they grew bigger and eventually formed into chrysalises. The children eagerly waited for the butterflies to emerge; they were so excited when they came to school and saw 20 butterflies flying around the net. We fed them and nurtured them for a few days before releasing them.  The children still look for them on the playground and love telling staff about all of the butterflies they see around the school grounds.

The children have also loved practising for their picnic dance, and we are lucky to have had Adam come in every Friday as part of Deanes Flying Start programme and he has delivered a variety of fun and exciting PE lessons for us.

We are really looking forward to our last half-term and we have lots of amazing experiences planned for the children to finish the year on a high!


This term in Rainbow room we have completed lots of learning around “The hungry caterpillar”. We looked at the life cycle of a butterfly and was lucky enough to have our own caterpillars in class. We watched them grow daily and then set them free when they had turned into butterflies.

We have also planted sunflower seeds and learnt about what we need to help them grow. The children enjoyed watering them and watching them grow.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about our feelings and different emotions that we feel. We painted self-portraits after looking at ourselves in the mirror and have been playing lots of turn taking games which we are getting really good at.

Thank you to all who attended our family picnic. It was a lovely afternoon, which was enjoyed by all.


This half term we have thoroughly enjoyed learning about ‘Minibeasts,’ as a part of our topic. We have learnt about the artists Andy Warhol and Raku Inoue and studied their work. We then produced our own artwork in the style of these artists. We made minibeasts using natural materials to decorate; we also created our own repeated printing pop art of insects.

In science, Year 1 have researched about different insects, hunted for bugs and explored the nature around our school environment. We have built bug hotels in forest school and learnt to use different tools.

Year 1 have also loved participating in our picnic dance; we have all tried incredibly hard and cannot wait to perform our dance to our friends and families.


What a fantastic and busy half term! The children have been so enthusiastic learning their dance for our outside assembly and we hope you enjoyed our rendition of Voulez-Vous!

Year 2 were surprised to find Miss Kemp’s classroom trashed at the start of our topic. The clues led us to believe that animals had escaped from Boydells Farm. At the end of our topic, we had the opportunity to visit Boydells Farm and had a fabulous time! The children fed and stroked sheep, baby lambs, hens, chicks, kittens, guinea pigs, rabbits, llamas, alpacas, a turkey and many more animals. Farmer Kiley gave us a fantastic tour of the farm and the children had a wonderful experience.

In PSHE, we have been exploring unit relationships. We have had many discussion opportunities and now recognise and appreciate the importance of different people in our lives.


This half term in Year 3, we have had some exciting learning opportunities. We have been reading folktales in English and we thoroughly enjoyed performing some and we even wrote our own versions!

We also had a great time at forest school and enjoyed spending some time outside. We made survival bracelets and built sturdy dens. Year 3 had a great time in our parent/carer Forest School sessions toasting marshmallows and playing games.

We have also been enjoying learning our picnic dance, and we are looking forward to sharing the performance with our grown-ups!


Year 4 have begun their swimming lessons at Waterside and are enjoying their new-found water confidence. Those children not swimming have been learning about photography and have been practising using different photography skills to take photos.

They have thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with light and shadows, composition and perspective.

In PE, we have been learning dance steps ready for our ABBA-themed picnic. We have been practising hard, and we’re so excited to showing our dance to everyone!

During our topic lessons, children have been using atlases and the internet to research information about climate zones and biomes in each of the continents. We have also learnt about the countries in Europe and researched facts relating to them.

After half term, Year 4 are looking forward to our forest school sessions with our grown-ups and hope that they love forest school as much as we do.


What a fun-filled month we've had! 

We began by exploring the art of Edward Saidi Tingatinga and celebrated his style by recreating our own versions of his artwork. Our paintings showed African animals in their natural habitats using bold and bright colours. During our Africa topic, we learnt about the city of Benin and the lifestyles of the people who lived there. Further to this, we discovered why they used animals in their art and sculptures and how closely linked they were to the kings (Obas) of Benin. As the craftworkers of Benin did, we produced our own sculptures of these animals. 

In science, we have been exploring habitats and why certain animals live in specific environments. To continue our learning, we went on an exploration to Colchester Zoo. We had a fantastic day out learning about different animals, watching their behaviour and gathering information from the enclosures about their natural habitat. All the children were impeccably behaved, and the day was enjoyed by all. 

We hope you all have a wonderful break, and we are looking forward to seeing all the children back for our final half-term in Year 5! 


May has definitely been a very busy month for Year 6! It was wonderful to see so many children take up the offer of breakfast during SATs week! We are incredibly proud of every child as they tackled the tests with tenacity and applied their learning throughout the year. To celebrate, the children thoroughly enjoyed special treats from Mrs Lane: a visit from the ice-cream van and a morning of magic with Terry! Every child has shown excellent maturity and impeccable behaviour during the lead up to the picnic this week.

Looking forward, the children have their final half term at Northwick Park where the weeks will be filled with secondary school visits, residential to Mersea, a very special performance, leavers activities and special treats. Have a lovely half-term everyone!


What a wonderful afternoon we had celebrating the achievements of our Children’s University Graduates. Well done to all of them:

Bronze Award – 30 hours

Edie S

Emily S

Hayden D

Jessie C

Joshua B

Ken W

Poppy-Leigh W

Skylar B

Sonny S

Tilly W

Silver Award – 65 hours

Bonnie P

Jude L

Leo CL

Lillie D

Mason W

Scarlett N

Sophie-Grace S

Wylder C

Gold Award – 100 hours

Arya HJ

Brienne S

Connie D

Esme C

Esme HJ

George V

Indi-Anna R

Isla-Rose P

Jake C

Lacey M

Sophia B

Bronze Certificate – 130 hours

Fletcher T

Lexi-Mae R

Louise B

Mila M

Rennan C

Santana D

Silver Certificate – 165 hours

Hollie B

Jack W

Paige L

Shay B

Sophie P

Gold Certificate – 200 hours

Darcey B

Jared P

Kacie-Mae D

Nathan S

Oliver M

Otis S

Peyton M

Raine Ivy I

Bronze Diploma – 230 hours

Holly W

Lola A

Luke P

Sienna P

Gold Diploma  – 300 hours

Eleanor C

Erin M

Jessica C

Micah B

Silver Degree – 365 hours

Emily N

Silver Postgraduate Award-465 hours

Joey W

Gold Postgraduate Award – 500 hours

Seth T

Reece S

Gold Postgraduate Certificate – 600 hours

Sienna D

Silver Postgraduate Master’s Degree– 765 hours

Memphis M

Gold Doctorate – 900 hours

Hannah S


Thank you for sending your children to school looking so smart in their class photos.  These should be back after half-term.


Thank you to all the parents/carers that were able to join Mrs Hyde for the parent/carers sessions.  The children will be having their RSE sessions during the first week back after half-term.


This week, the young carers at Northwick Park have enjoyed a crafting 'Noisy Tea’ morning together. We all enjoyed making and decorating our very own piñatas, having a snack and speaking to each other about all the things we had been up to this half-term.

We decided that our summer meeting would be a sports theme! At Northwick Park Academy, we are committed to ensuring that all students who are young carers are identified and supported effectively. If you think your child might be a young carer, please contact our Young Carers Operational Lead, Mrs L Cooper, by email at Any information given to her will be treated sensitively and no information will be shared without your knowledge. 


Well done to all the children (and staff) who performed magnificently at the outdoor assembly.  Once again, the sun shone even if it was a little damp on the grass!  Thank you everyone who was able to join us for this wonderful occasion and tribute to ABBA.


Unfortunately, the Year 6 rounders competition at Deanes had to be postponed due to the rain!!



Mon 3 June        Y3 Sealife Centre

Mon 3 June         Y4 Swimming

Mon 3 June         Y4 MTC check week

Mon 3 June         Y6 Sports 1:30 – 2:30

Tue 4 June          YR Forest School

Tue 4 June          Y6 RSE sessions

Wed 5 June         Y2 Forest School

Wed 5 June         Girls cricket festival

Wed 5 June         Photographer in Nursery – Family photos  available 3:00 – 4:30

Thur 6 June         Y6 Bar n Bus am

Thur 6 June         Y4 Sports 9:30 – 10:30

Thur 6 June         Y3 Sports 1:30 – 2:30

Fri 7 June            Y5 Sports 9:30 – 10:30

Mon 10 June       YR Petting Farm at Northwick

Mon 10 June       KS1 Cricket festival – selected children

Mon 10 June       Y4 Swimming

Mon 10 June       Y6 RSE sessions

Mon 10 June       Y1/2 Phonics check week

Tue 11 June        Cliffs concert

Tue 11 June        YR Forest School

Tue 11 June        Y6 Height and weight checks

Wed 12 June       Y2 Forest School

Wed 12 June       Boys cricket festival

Wed 12 June       Summer Fair

Fri 14 June          Rock Band recording in Southend

Mon 17 June       Y4 Swimming

Mon 17 June       YR Sports pm

Mon 17 June       Rock Band recording in Southend

Tue 18 June        Y2 Sports 9:30 – 10:30

Tue 18 June        Y1 Sports 1:30 – 2:30

Tue 18 June        Y4, 5 + 6 Swimming trials am

Wed 19 June       Y1 Colchester Castle Trip

Wed 19 June       2K Summer Games at Deanes

Wed 19 June       Youth Board at Deanes

Wed 19 June       Y4 Forest School

Thur 20 June       Y6 Forest School P/C sessions

Thur 20 June       9:30 New intake meetings for non-nursery children

Thur 20 June       YR Summer concerts

Fri 21 June          School closed - Training Day

Mon 24 June       School closed - Training Day

Tue 25 June        Y4 Writtle Trip

Tue 25 June        Y6 + Y2 Music concerts

Tue 25 June        10:00 New intake meetings (Nursery) and  Nursery Parent Consultations

Tue 25 June        Y5 Road safety session

Tue 25 June        Reception Learning to ride

Wed 26 June       Y4 Forest School parent/carer sessions

Wed 26 June       Reception Learning to ride

Wed 26 June       Canvey cricket festival at William Read

Wed 26 June       Y5 Road Safety sessions

Wed 26 June       YR Road Safety sessions

Thur 27 June       Y6 Careers Fair

Thur 27 June       YR Road Safety sessions

Thur 27 June       Y5 Road Safety sessions

Thur 27 June       Reception learn to ride

Fri 28 June          Y6 Visit secondary schools (Cornelius and  Castle View)

Mon 1 July          Y4 Swimming

Mon 1 July          Y5 Sports Taster day at Northwick Park

Tue 2 July           Canvey Awards – Selected children

Tue 2 July           Y6 Afternoon performance

Wed 3 July          Y6 Evening performance

Wed 3 July          Swimming gala am

Thur 4 July          Y2 Sports with William Read and Leigh Beck at Northwick Park

Thur 4 July          Open evening 3:15 – 6:00

Fri 5 July             Visit new classes

Mon 8 July          Y6 Residential Trip

Mon 8 July          Y5 to Cornelius

Mon 8 July          Y4 Swimming

Mon 8 July          Pre-school open day

Tue 9 July           Y6 Residential Trip

Tue 9 July           Y4 + 5 Music concerts pm

Wed 10 July        Y6 Residential Trip

Wed 10 July        Y5 to Castle View

Thur 11 July        Y6 Residential Trip

Thur 11 July        Y1 Summer concerts am

Fri 12 July           Y6 Residential Trip

Mon 15 July        Parent Consultations

Tue 16 July         YR Call of the Wild Trip

Tue 16 July         Parent Consultations

Tue 16 July         Canvey Sports am

Tue 16 July         5:00 School Journey celebration evening – Group 1

Wed 17 July        Nursery garden parties

Wed 17 July        Parent Consultations

Wed 17 July        5:00 School Journey celebration evening – Group 2

Fri 19 July           Nursery closes

Mon 22 July        Y6 Leavers disco

Mon 22 July        Y6 Water fight

Tue 23 July         Last day of term

Tue 23 July         1:30 Leavers’ assembly


Training Days     Fri 21 June -  Mon 24 June

Busy Bears    Open 7:15am–6:00pm please book in with Bev Thompson 01268 511863


Busy Bears (chargeable) will open for holiday club, but places will be very limited.  Please book in early.

The last day of the Summer Term is Tuesday 23 July.

Children in Y1 – Y6 return to school on Monday 2nd September.