English Summer 2
Year 3 English
In English this half term we are going to be looking at non chronological reports to continue to link in with our Rivers and Bridges topic.
Below are some English ideas for children to complete. Please do not feel you have to complete all activities in a day, they are to last you over the next few weeks:
- Think back to one of the rivers, or bridges you looked at in topic last term. Spend some time researching the area in which it is. Practise our note taking skills from the places you research.
- Organise the note into sections – for example – facts about the country the river/bridge is in, animals that live in the area, food eaten in that part of the world, weather, history of the area etc.
- Give your report a title (the River Nile for example). Write the information into paragraphs under different subheadings. Take care to make sure your sentences make sense. Maybe have a section on fun facts, we always enjoy those!
- Children could produce a map of the area around the river or bridge and make a key to explain certain areas (for example – mountains in yellow, cities in brown, open areas in green). Or maybe a model, or some drawings of the wildlife or buildings that are around it. How can you make your report interesting to other readers?
- There is a example available to download that explains the main features of a non chronological report to help with this topic at the bottom of this page.
- If you finish all your report, why not make a bridge? You could revise your instruction writing skills by making step by step instructions with drawings or photos.
- Maybe you could choose to do another non chronological report on some of our science or other topics we have looked at? Remember to organise your writing into sections and put them under subheadings, so the information is easy to find.
Also, please continue to read at home, perhaps you could share some pictures of you reading a book that you are thoroughly enjoying.